Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3 Read online

Page 9

  He lets out a breathy sigh. “Olivia, this is dangerous ground here.”

  “I know. I just want to see how this feels.”

  I tug his pants and he lifts his hips, so I can pull his pants down a bit. Raising up on my knees, I unzip my shorts, pulling them down. Unlike Bash, I do have underwear on, but when I settle back on his lap, it’s almost like I don’t have anything on. The heat from his cock hits me right in my core.

  “Liv,” he breathes out.

  I get a rush when he calls me this new nickname.

  I kiss him again and whisper, “Trust me.”

  When I rock my hips this time, it’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before. His cock slides against my pussy, pushing my thin panties along for the ride. I’m so aroused that I’m sure he can feel the wetness seeping between us.

  Glancing at the TV, I see that the woman is still riding her professor. So, I do the same. Using his shoulder to brace myself, I rock against him. His hips lift to meet my thrusts until we’re both moaning.

  “Liv, we need to stop or I’m going to cum everywhere.”

  The naughty part of me wants to see him come undone, but not like this. Not when we both can’t feel good. With a sigh, I climb off his lap and pull up my shorts, ignoring the wetness between my legs and the empty ache left from not having an orgasm.

  He stands and says, “I’ll be right back.”

  When he closes the bathroom door, I close my eyes, sighing. Did I make a mistake? My body says no, but my mind is starting to make me wonder.

  The door opens and Bash comes out, minus the tent in his pants. He goes to the TV, turning it off.

  “Bash, I’m-”

  “I’m sorry, Liv. I shouldn’t have let you start that knowing we wouldn’t be able to finish.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “But, I want to see you again. Maybe go to a movie or to dinner?”

  “Are you asking me on… a date?”

  There’s a moment where I feel a flash of fear. I don’t date guys. I fuck them. But, I really want to see Bash again.

  He nods. “I am.”

  “I’d like that.”

  I’m surprised that I actually mean this. There’s something about him that makes me want to try.

  “Good. We’ll plan something. It’ll have to wait until next week, though, if that’s cool with you?”

  “That works with me.” I pause. “What about what you said – about not being able to touch me?”

  He makes a face. “Saint is the one who told me to keep my hands off.”

  “Saint? Why?”

  “Because he’s not blind, Liv. You’re a fucking gem and he doesn’t want anyone to lay claim to you.”

  “That doesn’t make sense.”

  “It does. He’s hot for you, just like I am. Hell, I suspect we’re not the only ones, either.”

  “But why?”

  “Because you’re different than the other girls. And that’s not something we’re used to in our world.” He stands. “I better get out of here before we get in trouble. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”

  I stand, too. “Yeah.”

  He brushes his lips against mine. “Thanks for showing me how hot dorm rooms are. Next time, we’ll have to watch another one of my favorite pornos.”

  “Oh? What’s it about?”

  “A biker who gets the girl of his dreams.” He gives me a heart-clenching smile and goes to the door. “See you tomorrow, Liv.”

  When he’s gone, I lean against the door. I like him. A lot. But, I also like Saint. So, what does that mean for me and Bash?



  “Bash, I need you,” Liv moans.

  She’s on her little bed in her dorm room, looking up at me with her big, green eyes, begging me to fuck her. And I’m more than fucking ready to oblige.

  “You sure, babe?”

  She nods, beckoning me closer. My cock throbs in my pants. I haven’t wanted someone this much in a very long time. My phone dings, but I ignore it. They can wait.

  “Bash,” she says. “I need you inside of me. Now.”

  I’m almost to her when my phone dings again. She reaches out and pulls my pants down, taking me right into her mouth. Air hisses from my lips as she sucks me off. Fuck me. She looks up, as she moves her head back and forth, and I feel the first signs of my orgasm. Reaching down, I run my fingers through her hair. Her pace increases and my balls tighten. And then my fucking phone goes off.

  There’s a loud commotion and a male voice yells, “Bash! Fucking answer your phone!”

  My cock surges at the same time and I orgasm with a moan. But, when I look down, Liv isn’t there. Instead, my fucking pillow is between my legs, covered in cum.


  I finish and knock my pillow off in anger. That dream was… too fucking real. My phone dings again and I reach for it. Saint has texted ten times, asking where I’m at. I groan. I’m in deep fucking shit. I can admit that to myself. Closing my eyes, I can still remember the way Olivia felt in my arms, as I kissed her senseless. Or, as she kissed me senseless. I’m not sure who was kissing who, to be honest.

  Bash keep your hands to yourself.

  Saint’s damn words echo in my mind and I get up, pacing. He’s going to know something’s up when he sees me. Hell, I feel like I’ve been touched by a fucking angel or some shit. Seriously, how does one little make out session have me feeling like this? I didn’t even get to touch her.

  My cock twitches and I go to the bathroom, turning the shower on. There’s no way I’m going to get a woody right before Saint kicks my ass. Because that’s what’s going to happen. Because I’m a fucking dumbass and literally did the one thing Saint told me not to. Because I would do it again in a heartbeat.


  Tonight is the decoy run to get the Feds off our asses. I should be going over the plans one last time, but instead my dumb ass keeps looking at the clock, seeing what time it is. I won’t get to see Olivia tonight, at least not before the run. Hell, she might be gone by the time we get back. And that depresses the hell out of me.

  Picking up my phone, I text Bash and tell him to come to my office. He strolls through the door a few minutes later, as if he’s waiting for me.

  “What time are you getting Olivia tonight?”

  He glances away, as he sits. “Not sure. Why?”

  “I was thinking about getting her myself tonight.”

  He looks surprised. “King’s going to shit a brick if you take off this close to a run.”

  “King can fuck off.”

  King strolls through the door, a bottle of Jack in hand. “Fuck man. What did I do now?”

  He takes the seat next to Bash, kicking his feet up on the edge of my desk.

  “I was just telling Bash that I’m going to pick up Olivia tonight.”

  King tilts his head, laughing. Loudly.

  I lean back in my chair, glaring. “Care to share?”

  “It’s nothing,” he says between laughs. “Just never thought I’d see the day that fucking Saint Massacre was pussy-whipped. And, the best part is, you haven’t even had that pussy yet.”

  My anger breaks and I slam my fist on the desk. “I’m only going to say this once. Don’t. Fucking. Talk. About. Her. Like. That. Got it?”

  “Jesus Christ, man. I get it. You have a hard dick for this chick. I’m just teasing you.” He looks over at Bash. “Fuck. You have a thing for her, too?”

  I glance at Bash just as the look of anger fades from his face and is replaced with a look of indifference.


  He can’t even look me in the eyes. “It’s nothing. She’s just… really great.”

  “Really great?” King snorts. “Are we fucking twelve?”

  Bash glares and King laughs again.

  “Wait. Did something happen with her?” He peers at Bash. “Maybe when you took her home last night?”

  Bash stills and doesn’t say anything.


sp; He doesn’t say anything and I stand.

  “You better start talking. Now.”

  He actually looks like he’s in pain. “I didn’t touch her.”


  His face pales. “Saint, you know I’d do anything for you.”

  Rage and panic wage war deep inside of my soul. Bash is one of the good guys. He wouldn’t betray me by going against my word, would he?

  “Bash, what did you do?”

  King stands, putting his hand on my shoulder. “Saint, maybe you should sit down. I think you’re scaring him.”

  I go back to my seat and wait.

  Bash looks up to the ceiling. “I didn’t touch her. But something did happen last night.”

  King mutters, “Fuck. This ought to be interesting.”

  “Bash, you better start from the beginning. Now. And don’t leave a fucking detail out.”

  “I took her to her dorm last night and she asked me if I wanted to come up. I said yes.” His throat bobs. “When we got up there, I made a joke about dorms looking bigger in pornos.”

  King groans. “Are you fucking serious?”

  Bash goes on, “She said she hadn’t seen one, so I…”

  “You what?” I spit out.

  “I suggested watching a porno. With her.”

  “Which one did you pick?” King asks.

  “Professor Fucker VI.”

  “Oh, that’s a good one.”

  King isn’t wrong – it’s a good one, but not something Bash should have watched with my Olivia.

  I snap. “Go on, Bash.”

  “So, we’re watching it and then we kissed.”

  “Who kissed who?”

  “She kissed me.”

  “And then?”

  “I told her that I wasn’t supposed to touch her. And she asked if she could touch me.”

  All sorts of images flash through my mind, and I don’t like a single one of them.

  “Did you fuck her?” King asks.

  “No! I told you, I didn’t touch her.”

  “Then why do you look like you ran over someone’s cat?”

  I wait for him to answer.

  His cheeks pinken and he says, “We made out.”

  That’s not too bad, I think to myself.

  “And then we dry humped each other.”

  For some reason this might be worse than if they’d had sex.

  King lets out a whistle. “Shit man. Didn’t know you were so into this chick.”

  “I didn’t either,” he admits.

  It takes everything in my power not to punch this fucking tool right in the jaw.

  “Saint, I swear I didn’t mean for this to happen.” He swallows. “But, I don’t think I can walk away from her.”

  “Oh shit,” King breathes out.

  “Is that supposed to be some kind of threat, Bash?” I stand, crossing my arms.

  “Not a threat. But she hasn’t been claimed by anyone and we all know it’s going to happen sooner or later. Hell, the club whores already think we’re dating.”

  “And why in the fuck do they think that?”

  “What I’m getting at is, is it really bad for people to think we’re together?”

  My damn teeth are going to crack from gritting my jaw so hard.

  King says, “He’s got a point, Saint. You didn’t brand her. She’ll be protected if the others think she’s with one of us.”

  “That’s not what he’s saying, though.” I turn to Bash. “He’s saying he wants to fuck her, isn’t that right, Bash?”

  Bash surprises me by standing, too. “With all due respect, Saint, you don’t get to talk about her like that, either. I’m not sure what I want, but I do know I want to get to know her better.”

  King says, “Holy shit. What kind of fucked up, alternate universe have I stepped into? The only thing missing is Razor losing his mind over this chick.”

  I’m kind of wondering the same thing. Two things just happened that have never happened since I’ve known Bash. One, he just put me in my place. Two, he’s saying he wants more out of a female than sex. The crazy thing is, I’m not sure how to proceed from here.

  King says to me, “What it boils down to is what do you want, Saint? You’re the Prez. What you say goes. If she’s off limits, then Bash will respect your word, right Bash?”

  Bash nods, but looks madder than hell.

  I sit, groaning. “Who the fuck am I to say who can or can’t have her? She’s not a fucking piece of property.”

  King’s mouth gapes. “This chick must have magic pussy or something to have you both acting like this.”

  Bash and I both glare and King laughs.

  “See? I’ve never seen either of you acting like this.

  Sighing, I say, “I don’t know what to do.”

  Bash and King look surprised.

  Bash says, “Saint, if you like her, I’ll back down.”

  “As I said, who am I to say who can or can’t be with her?” Ignoring the ache in the pit of my stomach, I go on, “It’s up to her, and I’ll support whomever she wants to be with. Besides, it’s not like she’d actually be interested in an old fucker like me.”

  “I think you’re wrong about that,” Bash replies.


  “When I told her I couldn’t touch her, she asked why, so I told her. When I said it was because I thought you had the hots for her, she got this starry look in her eyes.” He shakes his head. “I’m just saying, don’t count yourself out.”

  “I gave up on fairytales a long time ago.” I sigh. “You have my blessing to date her. Just… don’t flaunt it in my face.”

  This might be a dipshit move on my end. I’m into this girl, but it’s not fair to either of us to pursue anything. I’m done talking about Olivia and turn to King.

  “We good to go tonight?”

  “Jesus is topping off the fuel in the bikes. We’re on schedule.” He pauses. “You sure you don’t just want to claim this chick?”

  “I’m sure.”

  I’ll only fuck up her life. Hell, it has happened before, and it nearly ended me knowing I broke someone to that extent. I swore then that I wouldn’t hurt an innocent person’s life ever again. So, as much as I like Olivia, I won’t start something with her, even though it’s gutting me thinking about letting her go.

  Bash clears his throat. “You might not want to hear this right now, but since you told me to keep an eye on Olivia, you might want to know.”

  Again, all sorts of thoughts flash through my mind. Does she want to quit already? Is she scared of me? Does she have a fucking boyfriend? I snort to myself. Of course that’s the worst thing I can imagine right now.

  “What is it?”

  “She needs a place to stay for the summer. Two and a half months. Might be easier to keep an eye on her if she’s here, with us.”

  My cock twitches, liking the idea. And then I remember I basically gave Bash the go-ahead with her. Just like that, my boner dies.

  King snorts. “That’s a terrible idea. Half the guys will be breaking down her door, thinking she’s a club whore.”

  “King’s right. Having her here will be worse.”

  Bash rolls his eyes. “Just thought it would be killing two birds with one stone. She needs a place to stay, and you want to keep an eye on her. Plus, the others will leave her alone if they think she’s with me.”

  King surprises me by saying, “We do have an empty room on our side, until we find a new club treasurer. No one will bother her there.”

  He’s right about that. The men have free roam of their area and the hallway where the club whore’s stay. But they know better than to step down our hallway. Plus, we’ve got a security system that not many know about. Helps keep my inner circle safe.

  “You sure this isn’t just an excuse to have her here with you?”

  Bash shrugs. “I was going to bring it up even before last night happened. Just waiting to see if King found anything on her.”

makes me pause. As much as I’m hot for Olivia, I still don’t know shit about her. And, we’ve been burned by a hot chick before.

  King replies, “Not much came up when I searched her name. She won some award her senior year of high school for a poem she wrote. Got a state-sponsored scholarship. I hacked her records. She’s a straight-A student, on the Dean’s Honor Roll. Pretty much what we already knew.”

  “Any ties to anyone we know?”

  I hate that I even have to ask this. My gut says she’s not a spy from another club, but people can’t be trusted. Hell, she could be working with the Feds for all we know.

  “Not that I can tell. The only odd thing about her is there’s no family mentioned. Not even on her records.” King goes on, “There were two medical records on her around age sixteen. They’re locked, though. I have someone working on it.”

  I ask Bash, “Has she mentioned her family before?”

  “No. Want me to dig around?”

  I nod. “Yeah.”

  “On it.” He grins. “So, do I get to tell her the good news tonight?”

  I’m probably making another mistake, but I say, “Yeah. You can tell her when you get her.” I glance at my watch. “Better go now. You need to be here, ready to go by seven.”

  Bash is out the door before I finish speaking.

  I look at King. “I know what you’re thinking, so there’s no need to fucking say it out loud.”

  King gives me a lazy grin. “I don’t know what you mean, friend.”

  When he gets to the doorway, he says over his shoulder, “You need to figure this out. It won’t do any good if you punch Bash every time you see them together.”

  He leaves with a wave of his hand. I lean back in my chair, reaching for a cigar. The fucker is right. And, I hate it when he’s right. So, what to do?



  I finish taping the last of my boxes. There. Not that it does any good. I still don’t have anywhere to go. Sighing, I get dressed. I’m nervous about going in tonight and it all boils down to one thing – last night was a horrible mistake. That’s not the kind of girl I am. I don’t watch porn and then dry hump someone I barely know. Not for free, at least. And that’s what makes it dangerous. I did it because I wanted to.