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Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3 Page 8
Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3 Read online
Page 8
The way she’s looking at me gives me the impression she doesn’t think I’ll last long enough to get a name.
Pinky says, “Tell her how you got your name, Karma.”
There’s obviously a case of envy and awe here. Pinky’s looking at Karma like she’s halfway in love.
Karma replies, “I got my name because, good or bad, I can fuck your life up, just like karma.”
Mama Bear snorts. “Don’t we all know it.”
This leads into banter between the two. While everyone talks, I go back to the kitchen and start bringing the sides out. Baked potatoes with all the toppings, steamed broccoli, asparagus with lemon butter, white rice, corn on the cob, and homemade kettle chips. Since I wasn’t sure what everyone wanted, I tried to make a variety.
As I’m bringing the last side dish out, Jas says, “Good lord, Olivia.”
I grin and say, “I’ll be back with the steak.”
This tray is heavier, because I cooked more than I needed and had to time everything perfectly so the steaks would be done at the right time. Again, I didn’t know how everyone liked their steaks cooked, so I did a range, from rare to well done. I personally like medium-rare, with a warm outside and a cool, pink center. And theses steaks are top of the line quality. Saint didn’t spare any expenses with them.
When I go to the main room, the girls are already digging in. I put the tray down, explaining which steak is what. Mama Bear is the first to get a steak, choosing a rare one. She cuts into it, taking a bite. And then she lets out a moan.
“I’ve changed my mind about you. You can stay.”
This seems to be the seal of approval the others have been waiting for, because they start talking to me like I’ve known them for years. And, the crazy thing is, I actually feel like I’m apart of their little group.
The girls are almost finished with their food, so I say, “I hope everyone saved room for dessert.”
Sissy says, “Damn. You out to make us fat?”
Pinky, who is curvy, shakes her head. “Ignore her. The rest of us aren’t going for the heroin-chic look.”
I grin. “I made a cherry-o-cream pie and a fresh fruit salad. Something for everyone.”
“See? Didn’t I say she was the best!” Jas says.
Everyone agrees, but Karma, Claws, and Sissy. I get the feeling I may never impress them, which is fine. The feeling is mutual at this point. I go to the kitchen and grab the desserts. When I come back, everyone dives into the pie, including Sissy.
Jas says, “I’m so glad you agreed to do this for us. We usually have to fend for ourselves or go out to eat, which gets old real fast.”
Kiwi agrees, “Feel free to cook for us whenever you want, Olivia.”
I’m about to reply when Saint and Razor come into the room. The conversation dies off as each woman looks at them, like they want to gobble them up. Jeez. I hope I don’t stare at them like that.
Razor says, “See? I told you I smelled steak.”
“Who cooked this?” Saint asks.
Everyone points at me and I feel my ears and cheeks warm.
“I hope it’s okay.”
He goes to Jas plate, where she has a bite of steak left on it, and picks it up, popping it into his mouth. Gah. Even the way he chews is sexy.
He swallows and says, “Fuck yeah, it’s okay. Is there more?”
Sissy and Claws trip over each other trying to be the first one to serve him.
It’s Mama Bear who ends up handing him a clean plate, though, and she gives me a little wink as she says, “Since Olivia was nice enough to cook for us, which one of you is going to clean up?”
She’s looking right at Sissy and Claws. Both glare back at her.
Saint says, “Sissy, aren’t you on kitchen duty this week?”
“Yeah. Just didn’t know we were going to have a feast that I’d be cleaning up after.”
I say, “I can help-”
“No. She’s got this. Right, Sissy?”
Sissy’s jaw clenches, but she replies, “Of course.”
Claws smirks at her, as if she’s won.
Saint must notice, because he says, “I’m sure Claws will be more than happy to help.”
Sissy is the one to sneer this time as Claws nods.
“Good.” He says to King, “Let’s eat, brother.”
The two fill their plates, taking empty seats at the end of the table. There’s an awkward tension that wasn’t there before, and one by one, the girls slip away. I’m about to leave when Bash comes in with Razor.
Bash says, “I didn’t know there was food.”
“Olivia made it,” King says between bites. “Fucking good.”
I grin. “Thanks.”
Bash says, “You didn’t mention that you could cook.”
“I didn’t think it was important.”
“Guess it wasn’t. But, if you ever want to cook for everyone again, let me know so I can be here when it’s hot.” He gives me a smile that makes me feel warm inside.
Bash and Razor fill their plates and sit. Bash picks the seat right next to me, even though it means he’s further away from the other guys. He takes a bite and sighs.
“You can cook. You’re cute as hell. And smart. Olivia, is there anything you can’t do?”
“Swim,” I admit with a rueful shake of my head. “I just can’t get over the fear of not being able to touch the bottom.”
“I can teach you, if you’d like. It’s an important skill to have, especially since we live by the ocean.”
The ocean is an hour away, and I’ve managed to go this far without knowing how to swim, but I nod.
“Sure. That could be fun.”
“I can tell by the look on your face that it’s not going to happen. That’s cool, though. I’ll just have to make sure I’m around to protect you.”
The warm feeling returns. “I’d like that.”
He gives me another smile, but this one makes me aware of everything. How close he is. The way his throat moves when he swallows. How he’s talking to me when he could be talking to his friends. And I know I’m going to do something reckless tonight, if given the chance.
“I saw what you did in the kitchen. I didn’t even recognize it, with it being so clean.”
“Thanks. I’m just glad I could help.”
He gestures toward his plate. “I have a feeling you’ve created a monster. Mama Bear is the only one who tries to cook around here and she can only make three things. None as good as this.”
“I’m sure you’re exaggerating.”
He calls out, “Saint, tell Olivia what Mama B can cook.”
Saint laughs. “Mac and cheese, ramen noodles, and opening a can of spaghetti-o’s.”
Bash turns back to me. “See?”
“Well, maybe I can cook something now and then.”
I’m already planning what I’ll make next.
“So, I’ve been meaning to ask – do you have a boyfriend?”
That makes me snort. “Uh, no.”
“Why is that funny?”
“My roommate would tell you that I’m anti-social and only leave the room to go to class.” I shrug. “She’s not wrong. I spend my time in class, studying, or working. That doesn’t leave much time for dating.”
“I find it hard to believe that no one has snagged you up, though.”
“Well, believe it. I’ve been on, like, six dates.”
Ever. I don’t add this part because people tend to give me a funny look. I’m not being coy or downplaying the number of dates. It’s literally six with the same guy. He moved too fast and I ended up doing things I wasn’t ready for. When I tried to slow things, he said I was a tease and broke up with me. After that, I decided I didn’t need to date anyone. Not for free, at least. And not when there weren’t set rules.
Bash says, “Dating is overrated.”
I smile because he’s trying to make me feel better.
He finishes
his food and stands. “You ready to get out of here?”
I glance toward the kitchen. “Maybe I should help them before-”
“Hell no. Come on, let’s go.” To the others, he says, “I’m running Olivia home.”
They all tell me bye and Bash leads me outside. It’s always a bit of a surprise when I leave and realize how late it is. We go to his bike and I get on behind him, putting my helmet on.
He does the same and then says over his shoulder, “You know, if things were different, I would ask you on a date.”
He starts the bike before I can reply. I wrap my arms around his waist as we take off. Today’s been a good day. The best one I’ve had in a long time, to be honest. We pull into the dorm parking lot and come to a stop. I hate that time seems to fly when I’m on the back of a bike.
Bash looks up. “Looks pretty lonely up there tonight.”
There are only a few lights on here and there.
I sigh. “Yeah.”
“Why the sigh?”
“I still haven’t found a place to stay yet. I was going to look today, but Jas asked me to come in.” I hold up my hands. “I’m not complaining. I had fun today and was glad to help. But now I have two days to find a place.”
Bash nods. “I get that. Maybe something will pop up.”
“I hope so.”
But, I’m not holding my breath, because I gave up on miracles a long time ago.
“Want to come up and see it?” The words come out of my mouth before I can stop them. I quickly add, “You don’t have to, if you don’t want to. I’m sure you have more important things to do.”
He gives me a lazy smile. “I’d love to.”
We take off our helmets, tucking them under our arms. I lead the way into the building. My dorm is co-ed, so I’m not worried about anyone stopping us. Plus, there’s only, like, three people still here. The elevator ride is silent and I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or not. I’m super nervous, but is he?
We get off on my floor and I go to my door, unlocking it. Lucy’s been here at some point and all of her stuff is gone. There’s an envelope on my desk, so I’ll have to look at it later.
Bash stands in the doorway, looking in. “So this is what it’s like to be in a dorm? It’s smaller than I thought it’d be.”
“Small?” I look around. “This is a mansion compared to the room I had my freshman year. It was so tight that my roommate and I had to walk sideways to get past each other.”
He laughs. “Guess the pornos got it all wrong, then.”
That makes me snort, too. “I haven’t seen one, so I’ll have to take your word for it.”
“You’ve never seen a porno? Ever? Fuck. I don’t know how to respond to that.”
He doesn’t know that I’m lying. Why would he? We’ve only known each other for a short time. He has no idea that I was trained from a very young age to lie and lie well, at that. And to use people’s hidden agendas against them. Like, for example, he mentioned porn. I knew that by saying I hadn’t seen one, I would pique his interest. Now we get to have some fun and I can feed the darkness inside of me.
“I’m sure there are a lot of people who haven’t seen one, Bash.”
“I think you’re wrong on this one.” He grins. “Got any plans for the rest of the night?”
I want to point out that most people are asleep at this time of night, but shake my head instead.
“Not really. Why?”
“Let’s rectify the situation.” He pulls his phone from his pocket. “Got an HDMI cord?”
“I do somewhere, if I haven’t packed it.” I pause. “Are you serious? We’re really going to watch a porno?”
He’s very serious as he answers, “I never joke about porn.”
He goes to the TV, turning it on. Gawd. Why do I suddenly feel warm? He flips the lights off and the glow of the TV screen fills the room.
“Be ready to be wowed, Olivia.”
Then, he goes right to my bed and sits on it, patting the spot next to him. My heart pounds as I cross the room to sit. I might fuck people for money, but this is different. We’re close, but not too close, which is how I need to play this.
“I wish we had popcorn for this.”
He nods. “Yeah. Always good to have something to do with your hands while watching porn.”
I glance at him out of the side of my eye and find him grinning at me.
I laugh. “Very funny.”
“I thought so, too.”
Cheesy music starts and a woman wearing the tightest outfit I’ve ever seen in my life walks into a classroom, going to the professor’s desk. Perching on the edge, she pouts about not passing his class and then says she’ll do anything to raise her grade.
“Let me guess. He’s going to offer her some extra credit work?”
Bash grins. “You sure you haven’t seen this?”
I roll my eyes. “I’m positive.”
He laughs and turns his attention back to the TV. The woman and the professor banter back and forth, before agreeing to meet later that evening so she can do extra credit. When she shows up that night, she’s wearing a trench coat with nothing underneath, which I know, because she flashes the professor as she walks toward him. The professor’s pants tent and he beckons her closer.
“Do guys really like this stuff?” I whisper loudly.
“Just wait. It gets better.”
The professor picks her up, placing her on his desk. He unties the jacket, letting it pool around her. Her chest heaves as he cups her very large, and very fake breast. And then her covers her nipple with his mouth, sucking loudly.
But, the crazy thing is, I can kind of see the appeal. I mean, I’m feeling warm all over. I’m also hyperaware of Bash’s arm touching mine. Of the heat coming of his body. Of the scent of leather, sweat, and something slightly spicy that clings to his skin.
The scene changes, and the woman is on her knees in front of the professor. He, of course, has the biggest thing I’ve ever seen and she is deep-throating him. His fingers work through her hair, urging her on.
Heat pools between my legs now and I shift, brushing against Bash.
Another scene change. This time, they’re in a dorm room and he’s pounding into her while she’s on all fours on her bed. The room is massive, which is one aspect the film got wrong. She mewls as his thrusts become shallow.
I swallow, not realizing how dry my throat is. Bash is the one to shift this time, moving closer to me. I’m about to make a witty comment when the woman on screen orgasms, screaming loudly. The professor pulls out of her and their arousal drips down her thighs. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
I clear my throat, trying to get control of the way I’m feeling. “Is it over?”
He shakes his head. “No. This one has three good scenes. The next part is in the library, against the books.”
I move, and let out a small gasp. My nipples are budded and my bra creates a delicious sensation as it rubs against my breasts.
“You okay?”
He’s looking down at me with dark eyes. I moisten my lips and nod. His throat bobs as he swallows and he looks away.
“This was a bad idea.”
“What was?”
He replies, “Doing this. With you.”
“Oh,” I say, hating how sad I sound.
He lets out a frustrated sigh. “It’s a bad idea because I’m sitting here, trying not to get a hard-on. Porn gets me going, but, so do you.”
“Oh wow. Really?”
He points to his crotch. “I’m this close to needing a pillow to hide my boner.”
I look down to where he’s pointing. Sure enough, there’s a bulge in his pants that wasn’t there before.
“Should we, uh, stop watching it?”
“Do you want to stop?”
I shake my head. “No.” I pause. “Is there anything we can do to make this less painful for you?”
He groans and the sound goes straight to my core.
“Fuck. I know you don’t mean it the way it sounds, but my mind is making everything dirty right now.”
The woman on the TV screams again as she comes and more heat pools between my legs. I’ve spent my entire life trying to blend into the shadows, so no one notices me unless I want them to, but I want Bash’s attention now.
I ask, “What would happen right now, if this was a porno?”
He leans his head back against the wall, swallowing. “One of us would make a move.”
Glancing at the screen, I see the woman is straddling the man, riding him wildly. Taking a page from her book, I move and climb onto his lap. Right away I feel his bulge pressing against my core, thanks to my short-shorts.
He lets out a little moan. “Fuck.”
“I’ve made the first move. What next?”
His hand lifts and rubs up and down my arm, sending goosebumps in his wake.
“Olivia, I can’t touch you. Not in the way you want, at least.”
I feel a pang of hurt. “Why not?”
His gaze meets mine. “I made a promise.”
The grunts and groans from the TV fill the room, making it hard to think.
“Is that the only reason?”
He nods.
“Then, we’ll make sure you don’t touch me.”
Leaning forward, I brush my lips against his. I’m surprised how soft they are, when everything else on him is so hard. Parting my lips, I kiss him more demanding this time. He responds by weaving his fingers through my hair, kissing me back until I’m breathless. There’s a slight tug and I gasp at the pain I feel.
“Like that?” He asks, nipping my bottom lip.
He’s left me burning for more, so I move closer, pressing my chest against his and rock my hips at the same time. The pressure feels so good, so I do it again.
“God damn,” he breathes out against my lips. “Don’t stop.”
Feeling bold, I grind against him, gasping at the sweet tension I feel between my legs. The bulge in his pants gets bigger and we both moan.
“Bash, can I try something?”
He nods, eyes hooded. Reaching between us, I unzip his pants. His cock springs forward, as he doesn’t have underwear on. I’ve seen a few cocks in my life and his is, by far, the biggest I’ve seen. If I were to grip it, I’m not sure I’d be able to grasp it fully.