Sexting St. Nick: A Happy Ending Holiday Novella Read online

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  “You asked when we met in person how I came to work at Jingle Belles.”

  “I remember.”

  I inhale and say, “Well, I think the events leading up to my career change is what put me on the Naughty List. I used to work at a hospital. One of my patients accused me of taking his pain pills and everything just kind of spun out of control from there.”

  I cringe as I say the words. I loved being a nurse – absolutely loved it. But when the patient accused me of taking his medicine my supervisor didn’t stand up for me, instead she reported me to the nursing board. And then the rumors started. I was a druggie. I was sleeping with patients for drugs. I was sleeping with other employees for drugs.

  I couldn’t even walk down the hallways without hearing whispers. When I was called into the HR office I knew what was coming. I felt numb as they said the dreaded words. I was fired. And then the nursing board finished their review on me – I was officially on probation. Of course no one would hire me with such a tainted record.

  Had I taken the patient’s pain pills? No. Did it matter? No. It was his word over mine.

  Nick touches my hand and I jump.

  “I’m sorry that happened.”

  I shrug. “I couldn’t get a job, so I started running around with a group of people who did nothing but party.”

  And we partied hard. Drugs. Sex. Anything debauched.

  I was falling down a dark hole when I randomly met Vixen at a club. She took one look at me and asked me what in the fuck I was doing. It was like someone threw cold water over my head. From that moment on I worked on bettering myself.

  Some might look at Jingle Belles and ask how I can degrade myself like that. I see it quite differently. Working at Jingle Belles is empowering and freeing. Because of that job, I actually found myself.

  Chapter 16

  I shake my head, clearing it. “I’m not proud of what I did after I lost my job, but I take responsibility for my actions.”

  He watches me and I wonder what he’s thinking. Maybe he’s questioning his feelings for me?

  “No chance in hell.”


  He sits next to me. “I’m not questioning my feelings for you. I know it’s probably too soon to say this, but I love you, Candy Kane.”

  Tears well up in my eyes and I throw my arms around his neck.

  “I love you, too, Nick Holiday.”

  My entire body feels warm, reminding me of sunbathing on a beach. Nick kisses me and when he pulls away I realize his face is glowing, too.

  “Nick, what’s happening?”

  Golden rays of light radiate from our bodies, intertwining with each other. It’s beautiful and peaceful at the same time.

  Nick’s eyes are bright with emotion. “I believe Cupid is here making our love official.”

  For some reason this seems perfectly natural. I lean forward and kiss my man.

  Candy’s lips are warm against mine and her tongue explores my mouth. I kiss her back, basking in the joy of the moment. She is no longer on the Naughty List, but on the Nice List where she belongs.

  She pulls away and asks, “Is Cupid still here?”

  “No. He’s a busy guy. You’ll get to meet him on New Years Eve.”

  “Does he really wear a little diaper?”

  I laugh. “Not anymore. He only wore it once and it was a dare. Unfortunately that’s what he’s known for now.”

  She laughs, too, and I pull her close. I wonder if Cupid has been helping me along this whole time? It’s right up his alley to meddle. Candy puts her hand on my chest.

  “This is going to sound crazy. I think I just heard your thoughts.”

  This makes me still. Is she serious?

  “Yes, I’m serious.” Her nose crinkles and she says, “Eleven. Blue. And I disagree, Bella should’ve ended up with Jacob, not Edward.”

  I laugh. “Holy shit! You did hear my thoughts.”

  She asks, “Who is Peppermin?”

  I wasn’t thinking about him, so it’s strange she’s asking.

  “He’s my right-hand elf at the North Pole. Why?”

  “He just told me that my room is being prepared and would like to know if I like hot chocolate.”

  I am speechless.

  She puts her hand over her heart. “Oh, that’s so sweet. He just said you’ve been waiting for me for a very long time even if you didn’t know it.”

  I am choked up as I say, “There was a prophecy made a very long time ago by Father Time about my true mate bringing out the best in me. He said she would be my equal in every way, which Merry wasn’t. She never heard a single thought I had.”

  Candy’s face is beautiful as she replies, “It’s because you are mine.”

  “I’m yours,” I agree.

  We kiss and she whispers, “And I’m yours.”

  My phone dings and I look down, laughing.

  “Figures Jack would ruin this moment.”

  Jack: Bro- Peppermin just told me the news. She’s the one?

  Nick: She’s the one.

  Jack: Bring her home then. Everyone is waiting!

  I look at Candy. “Jack said everyone is waiting to meet you at the North Pole. Will you do me the honor of coming to my home? You won’t be able to leave until after Christmas, though.”

  She nods. “Yes, I’ll go with you. And I plan on staying much longer than just Christmas.”

  I wrap my arms around her and use a little bit of Peace, Joy, and Happiness dust to take us home.

  Chapter 17

  Little snowflakes fall around us as we travel to the North Pole. Everything is a blur, but Nick holds me close and I’m not afraid. We land on the snow covered ground and stand before the cutest village I’ve ever seen. And there is a sign welcoming us to the North Pole.

  Nick grins at me. “I usually go right to the house, but I wanted you to see everything.”

  Hand in hand we walk through the village. It’s everything I imagined it would be. People wave from their windows as we pass and I wave back. Being here feels right. I spot Nick’s workshop and a thought crosses my mind.

  “You’re behind on the list?”

  He laughs. “Only a little. Don’t worry, love, I’ll finish it before the deadline.”

  “Good. We don’t want to disappoint any little boy or girl out there.”

  We walk over a bridge made of ice and I squeal in delight. A horse-drawn sleigh awaits us, complete with jingle bells. I climb in first and snuggle against Nick when he sits.

  “No reindeer?”

  Nick flicks the reins and we take off.

  “There are reindeer, but I don’t make them fly around on Christmas Eve anymore. They’re too old and like sleeping in too much.”

  I laugh. “So what pulls the sleigh on Christmas Eve?”

  “I haven’t used the sleigh since 1920. I usually take my motorcycle. I can show you, if you’d like?”

  “Oh, yes.” I lean up and nip his earlobe. “And then I’d like to try a few other things we talked about on the motorcycle.”

  He makes a sound in the make of his throat. “Don’t tempt me.”

  We reach the house, which is more like a mansion, and I gasp. It’s beautiful. Several elves wait for us on the front steps as well as a very handsome man. An older elf pushes past the man and rushes over to me.

  “Hello, Ms. Kane. We are so happy to meet you.”

  I hug him. “Peppermin, it’s so nice to meet you, too.”

  We have a silent conversation that he assures me Nick can’t hear. My luggage is in my room and a warm bath is being drawn. He blushes when he says the staff will not disturb us. I thank him and turn to the man.

  He bows at the waist. “Jack Frost, at your service.”

  “You’re not what I expected. I thought you would have white hair or something.”

  Nick grins. “His hair is dyed.”

  “He’s just jealous,” Jack says. His face softens. “We are so pleased to have you here, Candy. My friend has be
en waiting for you for a long time, even if he didn’t know it.”

  Nick’s eyes narrow at Jack. “About that. Did you have something to do with us meeting?”

  Jack shrugs and there is a burst of cool air.

  “Not just me, old man. I told you the Easter Bunny told me about the Jingle Belles app. After I checked it out and met some very interesting people, I decided you needed to get over your ex. When I told Cupid he let it slip that Candy was your soul mate. The rest is history.”

  I have to ask. “The Easter Bunny uses Jingle Belles?”

  For some reason this is hilarious to me.

  “Oh yeah. I think his user name is Peter C. Tail.”

  I snort when I laugh. “Very original.” Then I glance at Jack. “Oh my gosh. You’re Frost – you’re the one talking to my friend, Vixen.”

  His face darkens in a blush. “She’s very pleasant to talk to.” He turns to Nick. “Nick, you should take your lovely lady inside. The elves have prepared a romantic dinner for the two of you.”

  He waves and follows the elves down the stairs, snow falling in his wake.

  I grin. “I didn’t mean to run him off.”

  “Don’t worry about him. I’m sure you heard his thought – he really likes your friend.”

  “It’s mutual, from what I can tell.”

  Nick grins and then scoops me off my feet. I hold onto his neck as we cross over the threshold into the house. Again, we’re basked in golden light, but this time I swear I hear angelic singing.

  Nick whispers, “Now you’re really mine.”

  “That may be true, but I still expect an engagement ring and a wedding. If we’re going to shack up, it’s going to be legal.”

  He laughs out loud, his chest rumbling. I lean my head against him, loving how right this feels. He shows me around the house, carrying me in his arms the entire time. I am smitten with every room. The library is my favorite, though, and our dinner awaits us in front of a massive fireplace. He puts me on my feet and kisses my hand before pulling my chair out for me.

  “This is amazing. Do the elves cook for you every night?”

  He grins. “That’s where the myths about my big belly come from.”

  I take a spoonful of my soup and moan. “Oh my gosh. I can see how easy it would be to gain weight. This is delicious.”

  We spend the rest of the meal exchanging stories of our past. He tells me how old he really is and I laugh.

  “That explains the silver hair.”

  “Should I dye it?”

  “Oh no. I’ve always thought silver foxes were sexy.”

  The look in his eyes makes my heart melt and he stands. I know where he wants to go and I nod.

  “Show me the bedroom, Nick.”

  Chapter 18

  I take Candy by the hand and lead her from the library up the grand staircase. The house was decorated for Christmas while I was gone and she keeps gasping in delight.

  “Oh how pretty! My grandma used to hang garland like that when I was little.”

  I smile. “That’s probably where the elves got the idea. Peppermin wanted to make you feel at home here.”

  “That’s so sweet.”

  I lead her down the hallway toward my private rooms. No – not my rooms – our rooms. She grins up, hearing my thought. I open the door and she puts her hands over her heart.

  “I feel like I’m home and I haven’t even stepped into the room.”

  I gently pull her into the room. Right away I can see the little changes the elves made while I was gone. And Candy is right – it feels like home. I never realized how bare the rooms were, but with her personal items added here and there it feels complete.

  One of the windows opens as a cool burst of air touches my hand. I grin and send my thanks to Jack. Turning to Candy, I get down on one knee.

  “I know we haven’t know each other for very long, but since Cupid has already blessed us I don’t want to wait. Candy Kane, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  I reach into my pocket and pull out a black ring box, courtesy of Jack’s magic. Opening the box I await her answer.

  The ring in the box is so beautiful that it takes my breath away. White diamonds form a snowflake on a white gold band.

  “Nick, how did you know?”

  When I was little I had wanted a necklace with a similar design, but my parent couldn’t afford it. That was the year I stopped believing in Santa, too.

  Nick smiles up at me. “Because I’ve known you for a very long time and I know how much you wanted this.”

  I say, “Nick Holiday, I will marry you. Now stand up and kiss me.”

  He stands and slips the ring onto my finger. It’s a perfect fit. We grin at each other and then he kisses me. When he pulls away I see something over his shoulder. I walk over to the dark leather chair and run my fingers over the arm.

  “Is this the chair from our chats?”

  His eyes are dark. “It is.”

  “Then you better sit down, big boy, because there are a lot of things I want to do to you in this chair.”

  He grins as he sits. “Anything for you, my darling.”


  The next few days rush by in a blur. Nick finally finishes the lists and the elves excitedly work in the toyshop as the deadline approaches. I learn that Mrs. Claus receives her fair share of mail and spend my days answering letters.

  At the end of each day Nick comes home to me and we have dinner before retiring to our rooms. I’ve told him that I have a goal of having sex in every room of the house. He says challenge accepted.

  Tonight is Christmas Eve and, for the first time ever, I will join Nick and help deliver gifts.

  Peppermin hands me my leather jacket and says, “Everything will be taken care of by the time you return.”

  Nick asks, “What are you two whispering about?”

  I wink at Peppermin and say, “Nothing, dear.”

  What Nick doesn’t know is that when we return from delivering presents that our friends and loved ones will be waiting to see us get married. Jack was the hardest to convince to help. He keeps saying Nick and I don’t really need to get married to make our love official. I disagree.

  My only regret is that Vixen won’t be at the wedding. She only knows I’m on a vacation and that I quit Jingle Belles. After the holidays Nick and I are planning a trip to see her. If all goes well she will be able to come to the North Pole to visit us. Jack seems to like that idea.

  Nick climbs onto his motorcycle looking oh-so-sexy in his black pants, shirt, and leather jacket. Not the typical image of Santa Claus. He jokingly told me the other night that jealous husbands spread the myth of Santa being old and fat. I have to say - I prefer this version better.

  I climb on behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. It’s still hard to imagine that with a little Christmas magic that all the world’s toys are stored on the bike. But I saw the items being loaded with my own two eyes, so I can’t deny it.

  Nick starts the engine and the elves cheer. We take off, speeding down the snow-covered road and then suddenly we’re in the air soaring higher and higher. I tighten my hold on Nick’s waist - not because I’m scared, but because I want to be closer to him.

  Nick turns his head and smiles at me over his shoulder. “Warm back there?”

  “I am.”

  “Our first stop is in a few hours, so try to get as comfortable as possible.”

  I lean even closer. “Whatever shall we do with all that time?”

  I move my hand lower until I feel the band of his pants.

  His laughter rumbles deep in his chest. “You’re making me wish I’d brought the sled. More room to have fun.”

  “There are plenty of things we can do on the bike, Santa dear.”

  He says, “I’m counting on it.”

  The world rushes by in a blur of twinkling lights beneath us. I know our lives will be filled with so much joy and I can’t wait to see what the future will bring.
/>   Nick’s voice carries on the wind as I slip my hand into his pants. “Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!”

  The End

  Also by Sarah Bale:

  Virgin Wars

  Wedding Wars

  The Contender (Wrestling Diaries #1)

  The Rematch (Wrestling Diaries #2)

  The Main Event (Wrestling Diaries #3)

  Daisy and the Dead

  Elijah and the Living

  Daisy and the Lost Souls ** Coming Soon**

  Hard for the Money (A Bangers Book #1)

  Hard Lessons (A Bangers Book #2)

  Hard to Handle (A Bangers Books #3)

  Sexting St. Nick – A Happy Ending Holiday Novella

  About the Author

  Sarah Bale's family always knew she was destined to write romances when they saw the elaborate stories she created for her Barbie dolls as a child. Throughout middle school the writer inside Sarah began to bloom. At fifteen she penned her first book, which will never see the light of day if she has any say.

  When Sarah isn't writing she enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She resides in Oklahoma and doesn't plan on leaving any time soon.