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Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3 Page 4

  The men nod, though no one looks eager to step up. Can’t blame them. Keeping the club’s money in order is an important job, and a lot of men haven’t been able to resist the temptation of all that cash. And once you steal from the club, there’s no coming back from it. It’s a literal death sentence.

  Saint goes on, “We’ve got another shipment coming in next week that’s leading up to a bigger shipment next month. We know the Feds have been watching our dock, so we’re doing this one old school.”

  While he tells everyone the plan, I try not to let my frustration show. Razor and I are going to have our hands full with this. We’ll be crossing into several rival clubs’ territories and they won’t be happy. If it were reversed, we’d be pissed, too.

  King leans over and says in a low tone, “He’s going to get us fucking killed. We’d be safer using the gulf and another dock.”

  King used to be the club’s enforcer before getting promoted to Vice President, so he knows what I’m feeling.

  I nod. “You know how he is.”

  “Good thing he’s got us to protect his ugly ass.”

  Saint looks over at that moment, glaring, so I’m sure he’s heard us. But it’s the fucking truth. He ends the meeting, and our brothers go to the main room to party before we make our run tomorrow.

  Saint calls me and King over when the room is nearly cleared out. Razor gives us a sympathetic look, but the fucker doesn’t hang around to help us out. Probably has a chick or two waiting on him.

  “Something you need to say?” Saint crosses his arms, waiting.

  King sighs. “Stop being a little bitch, Saint. You know we’re not happy about this run. And, as your Vice President, I’d like to point out that you’re putting us all at risk.”

  “And I’d like to point out that I’ve taken your concerns into account and decided this is the course we’re fucking taking.”

  King is almost as big as Saint, so when they go toe-to-toe it’s always an ordeal. Luckily, I can kick both of their asses, if needed.

  Holding up my hands, I say, “Okay guys. Calm the fuck down.”

  They both glare at me, but King takes a step back, which is good because Saint never backs down.

  Saint says, “We’re only doing it this once. Our source with the Feds says they’ve got a lot riding on busting the warehouse at the docks. Joke’s going to be on them when they get there and find sixteen pallets of douches.”

  King snorts. “Douches? Like actual douches?”

  “One of the Mississippi clubs repaid a favor.” He grins. “We good?”

  “Yeah, man. We’ll make it work.”

  They shake, and King leaves. Saint turns to me.

  “Learn anything else about the new girl last night?”

  He’s acting like he’s not interested, but he wouldn’t have asked unless it was important.

  I reply, “She’s in college. Going to be an accountant. That was about it.”

  I sure as fuck don’t mention the part about complimenting her. That’s going to be our little secret.

  Saint says, “Keep an eye on her tonight. I don’t want Psycho getting near her.”

  I agree. “He won’t.”

  “I’ll tell Jas I want her working the room. That ought to put her in a better mood.”

  “The Prospect she had her eyes on is with one of the other club whores,” I warn him.

  “There’s plenty of guys in from out of town. I think she’ll manage to find a way to stay busy.”

  “She still trying to get in your bed?”

  He snorts. “No. We had a little chat and she finally got the picture.”

  There’s no telling what he had to say to make her stop. She was like a fucking bitch in heat when he’d come around. Damn near humped his leg one night, even though he wanted no part of it.

  “I’m going to my room, but I’ll be on the floor before Olivia gets here.”

  Saint nods. When I get to the door, he stops me.


  “Yeah, boss?”

  “Keep your hands to yourself.”

  “Will do, boss.”



  Lucy lets out a squeal when I show up at the library around six. My hair is still damp from my shower, where I washed away all signs of the guy who made my bank account a bit fuller. I was in such a good mood after that I decided to see Lucy.

  “Oh my god. I can’t believe you really came.”

  Someone makes shh-ing sound at her and she rolls her eyes.

  She loudly answers back, “Finals are over. Suck my non-existent dick.”

  I sit across from her and whisper, “I can’t believe you’re still in here.”

  She grins. “I’m trying to get someone’s attention. See the guy at table up front? In the green shirt? Don’t make it obvious when you look.”

  I do a casual glance over my shoulder and see two guys sitting a few tables over. The one in the green shirt is reading, and his friend is staring at me. He gives me a little wave and I turn around, rolling my eyes.

  She bounces in her seat. “Oh my gosh! They’re both coming over here. You must be my lucky charm.”

  Sure enough, a shadow falls over the table next to me. Looking up, I find the same guy smiling down at me.

  “Hey there. I’m Chase and this is my friend, Andrew.”

  The guy in the green shirt nods and sits next to Lucy. Chase sits next to me, and I try to not to say something sarcastic. I don’t do this – I don’t make small, flirty chit-chat with guys, unless I know it’s going to end in bed and with more money in my account.

  Lucy lets out a throaty laugh. “I’m Lucy and this is my roommate, Olivia.”

  Chase points at me. “I think we’re in the same English class. Row F?”

  I try to place his face and then remember seeing him around.

  “Yeah, that’s me. Good eye.”

  He smiles. “Hard to miss such a pretty girl.”

  I snort. “Thanks.”

  He doesn’t miss a beat and asks, “Why are the two of you inside on such a nice day?”

  Lucy sighs. “I had to turn in some books and thought I’d reserve some books I need for my summer class.”

  Andrew replies, “Same here. What class are you taking?”

  They fall into easy conversation while Chase and I listen.

  He leans over and says in a low tone, “I think my friend likes your friend.”

  “I think it’s mutual.”

  He grins. “He’s been making me come here every day since he saw her a few weeks ago. Been trying to build up the courage to talk to her.”

  “Wow. That’s really sweet.”

  “He’s a bit shy.”

  “I can understand that.”

  “I’ve gathered that much.” At my questioning look, he goes on, “I’ve tried to catch up to you after class a few times, but you’re too fast.”

  “Oh. Sorry.” I shift uncomfortably in my seat. “I’m usually going to one of my jobs after class.”

  “No need to apologize. I figured we’d meet sooner or later if it was in our cards.”

  “Our cards?”

  “My dads’ are total hippies. They’re very into tarot cards and looking for signs.”

  He gives me a sheepish grin that makes me smile back in return. Okay, he’s kind of cute and he’s really trying here.

  “Are you taking any classes this summer?”

  I reply, “No, thankfully. What about you?”

  “I have to retake a math class and I signed up for a few speed courses.” He makes a face. “I still don’t get why I even have to take the math class. My degree has nothing to do with numbers.”

  “I guess they just want everyone to be well-rounded.”

  “Now you’re sounding like my parents.”

  I laugh. “Sorry. I’m a math major, so I’m defensive over it, I guess.”

  “A math major? Hello, this is a huge sign! We were meant to meet today. Maybe you can help m
e out with my class”

  “Maybe,” I hedge. “I’m going to be working quite a bit this summer.”

  “I totally get that. Maybe we can meet, like, once a week? Is that doable? It would really help me out.”

  I find myself nodding. “Yeah, we can do that. And, I’m sure we won’t have to meet all summer. Most people just need to grasp one aspect. Once they do, everything makes sense.”

  Andrew laughs across the table and says, “No offense, Olivia, but my man Chase here is horrible at math. You’re going to be demanding to be paid before this summer is over with.”

  This makes everyone laugh, but I notice Chase’s ears turn pink.

  I pat his arm. “I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

  I can’t ignore the spark I feel when we touch and wonder if he feels it, too. Something dark inside of me wants to come out and play, but I shove the thought away. I just had sex earlier. I shouldn’t want to do it again, now, with him.

  A librarian comes up to our table and says, “The library is closing early tonight for end of the year maintenance. Please return any books and have a good night.”

  She gives Lucy a pointed look before going to another table. We all giggle as we help Lucy turn in the rest of her books. When we get outside, I’m surprised to see the sky is turning orange and pink as the sun sets. Lucy and Andrew move away from us as they chat.

  “Jeez, what time is it?”

  Chase glances at the watch on his wrist. “Almost eight.”

  “Ugh. I better run. I need to change before I go into work.”

  Chase opens his notebook and jots something down. “Here’s my number. Text me.”

  “I will, I promise.”

  “It was nice to finally meet you, Olivia.” He gives me a smile before taking off after Andrew.

  When he’s gone, Lucy comes over, grabbing my hand. “I’m not sure what just happened, but thank you so much for coming to the library today!”

  “Lucy, this had nothing to do with me.”

  She shakes her head. “Andrew said he’s been wanting to talk to me for a while, but was scared. When Chase saw you, he said he’d go up to us and break the ice for Andrew, so this is totally all because of you.”

  “Well, I’m glad it worked out.”

  “What did you think of Chase?”

  “He seems nice.”

  “Nice?” She laughs. “So, are you into him or not? I told Andrew I’d find out so he can tell Chase.”

  “I don’t know. I just met him.”

  Her eyes widen in understanding. “You know, I was a late bloomer, too, but there’s nothing wrong with dating at our age or even having causal sex. If you like him, you should go for it. Just don’t forget to use protection!”

  I’m flabbergasted for a moment before stuttering out, “Oh.”

  She doesn’t seem to notice that she’s totally missed the mark on this one. Hell, I can probably teach her a thing or two or ten when it comes to sex. What it boils down to is Chase looks like the type of guy to fall fast for a girl. And I would never want to hurt someone in that way. I’m broken. No sense in fucking up an innocent person’s life, too.

  “We’ll, if you do like him, then you should get to know him during the tutoring sessions. See where things go.” She throws her arm around my shoulder. “Come on. Let’s go back to the dorm. I still have a ton of packing to do before the week is over.”

  Which reminds me that I still don’t have a place to stay, and time is running out. Maybe I’ll have time to look at work tonight. The thought of seeing Saint and Bash makes me smile. This day has been surprisingly good.



  King rambles on about some chick he banged while in Oklahoma on business and I stifle a yawn. He doesn’t show any signs of shutting up any time soon, so I glance at the clock on the wall.

  “Dude, did you even hear what I said? Her tits were a 40-J. A fucking J. And, they were real.” He makes a squeezing gesture with his hands. “Felt like holding ripe cantaloupes. Hell, maybe even melons.”

  “King, I don’t really give a fuck about some whore’s tits.”

  King sits back, pushing his long blond locks from his face. “You’ve wounded me, brother.”

  “Are you planning on actually working or should I expect to see you with the club whores tonight?”

  King grins. “Come on, Saint. All work and no play makes me antsy.”

  “From what I can tell you haven’t done a lick of work in weeks.”

  “That’s not true. I made sure our Oklahoma brothers are on board to help with the run next month.”

  I lean back in my chair, taking a puff of my cigar. And there it is. The source of my concerns.

  “You still uneasy about it?”

  I reply, “We’ve never moved something like this before. I’m not sure it’s the legacy I want to leave around this place when I’m gone.”

  “Saint, we’ve been through this. There are worse things we could be moving and the revenue from this will surpass anything we’ve ever done by a long shot.”

  “I know. I’ve looked over the numbers.”


  “What line will we think is okay to cross the next time?”

  King sighs. “Come on, brother. It’s just a few handguns. It’s not like we’re handing out machine guns to every fucker on the road.”

  “That’s what you say now.”

  “Listen, everyone is moving weed these days. It’s just not profitable like it used to be, especially since a lot of the states are making it legal. This will give us a boost until we come up with another plan.”

  Another plan. That’s what it fucking boils down to. A lot of clubs are struggling, finding the old ways aren’t working like they once did. But weapons? That’s something I never thought we’d move. Hell, my old man is probably spinning in his grave right now, wondering what in the fuck I’m doing. I’ve asked myself the same thing.

  “Did your contact get back with you about the warehouse?”

  He frowns. “Yeah. Someone outbid us at the last minute.”


  “Don’t worry, Saint. I’ll find us the perfect place.”

  “Any of the guys seem interested in the idea of it?”

  He hedges. “A few. I think it’s hard for them to look past their own noses. Once we get it running, they’ll be on board.”

  I turn my attention back to the security monitor. It’s almost ten. Olivia should be getting there soon.

  “What’s got your attention tonight?”


  “What?” He gives me a mocking look. “Dude, I’ve known you for twenty years. I know when something’s up.”

  “Hired a new girl last night.”

  He sits up. “A new whore. Why didn’t you say so?”

  “She’s not a whore,” I snap.

  “Damn, dude. Okay, she’s not a whore. So, who is she?”

  “Her name is Olivia. She was sent to the club by Rabbit.”

  “Rabbit? That fucker is still trying to get an invite, isn’t he?”

  “Appears so, but this is a good find. She’s young and has an innocent vibe. Real sweet.”

  I think back to the way she looked when she got off my bike, with her shirt riding up, showing off her perky little tits, and I have to fucking adjust myself. Okay, she might not be as sweet as she looks, but I’m more than willing to find out.

  “And she’s not a whore?”

  I shake my head, shoving my anger down.

  “What about a groupie?”

  “I don’t think she’s even that. She told Bash she needed the job for money for college.”

  Which reminds me of just how young she is. Her age alone should be enough for me to leave her alone, but I don’t think I can.

  “Want me to dig around? Make sure she’s as sweet as she seems?”

  I nod. “Yeah. I think I do.”

  “Will do.”

  “But she’s off limits, King. I mean it.”

  He whistles. “You staking claim on her?” When I don’t answer, he stands. “Then we better make sure she’s who she says she is. I’m not going to let someone hurt you, brother.”

  The again is unspoken.

  He leaves me to my thoughts, which isn’t always a good place be. I know I’ve been in a bad mood for a while and it’s no one’s fault but mine. Taking another puff, I watch as a car that I don’t recognize pulls up to the club. Olivia jumps from the backseat, rushing inside as if she’s late.

  Like clockwork, the cameras track her as she goes inside. Bash is there to greet her, putting a huge smile on her face. Bash looks a little dumbstruck, and I can’t say that I blame him. She’s beautiful, but when she smiles it takes my breath away.

  Jas joins them. Even from the cameras, I can tell that she’s in a better mood than she’s been in weeks. Bash must have told her the good news. Olivia chats with her and then goes behind the bar, grabbing a towel. She walks around the room, wiping down tables and pushing in chairs, as if they will stay that way. I notice she’s wearing a t-shirt and jeans, which makes me feel better. She’s not exposed this way.

  My cell rings and I tear my attention away from the monitors to answer it. I’ve got a lot of work to do and I can’t let anything – or anyone - distract me.


  Jas is like an entirely different person tonight. She hasn’t stopped chatting and she even smiled at me once.

  “We’re about to get slammed in here. You can grab something to eat before we get busy, if you want.” She points toward the kitchen behind the bar.

  My stomach rumbles, reminding me that all I’ve had today is a cup of coffee and some dude’s cum, so I go through the swinging door. It’s small and isn’t set up very well. They must not do much cooking out of here, or else someone would have figured out a better system. One of my jobs last year was at a Mom-and-Pop style restaurant, and I learned a lot about cooking there, even though I was hired to help with their books.

  I go to the walk-in cooler and get some cheese, mayo, pickles, and deli meat. When I come out, I’m floored for a moment. There’s a man leaning against the counter, with long blond hair. In fact, he reminds me a lot of a wrestler I used to watch on TV, when I was little, before my life was fucked up.