Sexting St. Nick: A Happy Ending Holiday Novella Read online

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  “I’m not much of a coffee drinker, but I’d go for a cup of hot chocolate.”

  “Hot chocolate then.” Her face softens. “Nick, we can take our time. As much as I’m attracted to you, I also know this is moving fast.”

  I want to laugh. Time hadn’t meant anything to me in a while. But I will take it slow, if that is what she needs.

  “Are you free at all this week?”

  Fuck waiting.

  She nods. “I’m free tomorrow.”

  That won’t work for me unless we meet later. My cock twitches at the thought.

  “I could meet around eight, unless that’s too late?”

  “No, that’s perfect.” She spouts off an address and then grins. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  “Anything is possible if you believe.”

  We say our goodbyes and I end the call. I pad to the bathroom to shower. While the warm water runs over my skin I realize something. I haven’t been on a date in a very long time. When I get out of the shower I grab my phone and text Jack.

  Nick: You up?

  Jack: Yes old man. Not everyone goes to bed at dusk. What’s up?

  Nick: I have a date tomorrow.

  Jack: With who???

  Nick: Doesn’t matter. But I just realized I haven’t been on a date in forever.

  Jack: And you need some advice? I’m touched.

  Nick: I knew this was a bad idea.

  Jack: I’m only teasing. This is good, man. A step in the right direction.

  Nick: Then why do I feel like I’m cheating?

  Jack: Don’t go there. I’ll swing by tomorrow and we can talk.

  I put my phone down. I actually have butterflies in my stomach. But when I think about meeting Candy face to face I know it’s the right choice.

  Chapter 8

  “Did you say you’re meeting the girl you’ve been paying to have phone sex?”

  “Fuck, Jack. Keep your voice down.”

  I look around making sure no one heard him. Jack follows me up to my office.

  When I close the door I turn to him.

  “Am I making a mistake?”

  He shrugs. “You know I’m not the one to be asking moral questions to.”

  He’s right. He’s like the perpetual devil sitting on my shoulder.

  “I am shocked, though. I thought meeting clients was against their rules.”

  I frown. “She did mention that.”

  He looks me over. “You really like her? It’s not just a sex thing you’re twisting in your mind?”

  “Sex is definitely a big part of it. I can’t deny that. But I find myself wanting to know everything about her.”

  “You do realize that you’ll have to let her know things about you life, too, right?” He glances at the calendar on my wall. “And you don’t have a lot of time left before your busiest time of year.”

  Which means I won’t be available to her. I can’t afford to travel this close to my deadline.

  “I know. But I do have time today.”

  Jack points to the stack on my desk. “Sure about that?”

  “I’ll get through most of it today. At least through the S’s.”

  “Speaking of – have you… you know?”

  I cut my eyes. “No, I haven’t.”

  Jack holds up his hands. “Calm down. It was just a question. I’d also like to point out that most people would look. See what kind of person they’re getting involved with.”

  “You know that kind of information isn’t on there.”

  He replies, “I wouldn’t know. I can’t look at it. Remember?”

  A fact that has bugged him the entire time we’ve been friends.

  He changes the subject. “Are you taking condoms with you?”

  “Jesus, Jack!”

  “What? It’s a legitimate question. Better wrap it up. Real sex isn’t as safe a phone sex. And the last thing you need is a little baby running around out there.”

  I roll my eyes. “I’m aware how ‘real’ sex works.”

  “I know. But it’s been a long time since you’ve played the field.”

  I’m saved from answering as Peppermin comes in with a stack of mail.

  “These are the most urgent letters, sir. The rest are waiting in the conference room.”

  I nod. “Thank you, Peppermin. I should finish the list by tomorrow and then I’ll start on the mail. Were you able to find those missing pages?”

  “No, sir. I’ll make sure you have them by tomorrow.”

  Peppermin gives Jack a look before leaving the room. Those two have never gotten along. I think it’s because Jack represents everything Peppermin can’t stand. Disorder. Mischief. And chaos.

  “Bye, Peppy!” Jack calls after him. He laughs at his own joke and stands. “I’m going to get out of here so you can work.”

  He flips something onto my desk as he passes. It’s a fucking condom. I hear him laughing as he goes down the stairs. Sneaky bastard.

  “Excuse me? Did you say you’re meeting him? Tonight?”

  I flush. “It’s not like that, Vix.”

  “I beg to differ. Jesus, Candy! What are you thinking? It isn’t like you to rush into something.”

  “I like him.”

  “You don’t know him! He’s a client. He’s paying you for phone sex. Of course he likes you!”

  I flinch at her words. Hadn’t she said yesterday that she was thinking about meeting one of her clients?

  “You’re going to get fired if the company hears about it. Especially since they sent that memo out this morning with the new rules. You did see the memo, right?”

  I am starting to regret telling her. She’s right, though. The memo from Jingle Belles was very specific. No meeting clients in person. If caught, the punishment is termination.

  “Yes, I saw it. But there are other jobs.”

  She huffs. “What was the first thing I told you on your first day?”

  “Don’t fall for customers.” She says the words with me.

  “Weren’t you just saying yesterday that you wanted to meet your client? Frost?”

  She narrows her eyes. “That is different.”


  “First of all, I’ve been talking to him for almost a year now. Not just two sessions. Second of all-” She pauses. “Candy, I just don’t want you to make a mistake.”

  “I’m lonely.”

  She says, “I know you are, honey. Just make sure you’re thinking this through. After everything you’ve been through this year I would hate to see you fall back into a slump.”

  And there it is. No matter what I did for the rest of my life I would always have the reminder that I wasn’t good enough following me around. Maybe I should cancel…

  Chapter 9

  I arrive to the bakery a few minutes early. Ever since my talk with Vixen I’d felt off. If I’m being honest it’s because I’m nervous. What if he doesn’t like me? What if he’s a creep? What if-


  I look up and my stomach flips.


  I stand and he plants a kiss on my cheek. His lips are warm and it feels… right.

  He gestures for me to sit and then takes the seat across from me.

  “I hope I’m not late.”

  I laugh. “No, it’s me. I’m always early.”

  “I usually am, but I got held up at work.”

  I ask, “What do you do for a living?”

  “I’m the CEO of a global toy company.”

  “Wow. I bet this is your busiest time of year!”

  He nods. “It is. But it’s nice to take a break now and then.”

  We grin stupidly at each other. A waitress comes up and takes our order. I’m mesmerized with how handsome he is. Even the way he moves his hands when he speaks is elegant.

  “Did you have to travel far to get here?”

  I tried to pick a place that was in the center of the city.

  “It wasn’t too bad of a trip.
What about you?”

  “I live a block over, in a condo.”

  And for some reason I want to ask him over. But it’s too soon for that. We haven’t even really talked, for crying out loud.

  He smiles. “This is a beautiful area. It’s really grown over the last few years.”

  “That’s one of the reasons I moved here. I used to live closer to the lakes.”

  I pause. Do I really want to go into why I moved? Nope. Not particularly.

  I change the subject. “What do you do when you’re not busy making toys?”

  “I like to travel. Here lately I’ve been really focused on work, though.”

  “Why’s that?”

  He frowns. “It’s a long story.”

  I reach across the table and put my hand on his arm. “I’m a good listener.”

  When she touches me I feel a spark. I wonder if she feels it, too?

  “Basically my ex left me and I’ve been in a funk since then.”

  She nods. “Had you been together long?”

  “Yeah.” I don’t elaborate on how long. Instead, I say, “That’s actually how I ended up on Jingle Belles. My friend said I needed a distraction.”

  She laughs. “And has it worked?”

  I put my hand over hers. “Yeah. It has. And it’s been nice.”

  We smile at each other as our drinks are delivered. It’s strange being out in public so close to my deadline. I catch glimpses of certain people’s thoughts and make mental notes for my lists. I try not to listen to Candy’s thoughts, though, but one keeps popping up in mind. She thinks I’m sexy.

  “How did you end up working at Jingle Belles, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  This makes her frown. “That, too, is a long story. One I’d rather save for another day.”

  “Of course. I didn’t mean to pry.”

  She says, “You’re not. It’s a natural question to ask. I usually tell people I’m in sales, which is a much safer answer.”

  Her phone dings and she glances at it, lips twitching.

  “Sorry. That’s my best friend checking up on me. She wanted to make sure I don’t need a rescue text.”

  This makes me laugh. “And do you?”

  “No. I feel I’m quite safe with you, Nick.”

  We enjoy our drinks and get to know each other a little better. She has a great sense of humor and I laugh out loud several times.

  Our waitress comes up and says, “I’m sorry to bother, but the bakery is about to close. The snow storm is picking up and we want the staff to get home safely.”

  Candy and I both look out the window. Sure enough, heavy snow is falling.

  “How strange,” Candy muses. “I didn’t know it was supposed to snow today.”

  Neither did I. But I have a feeling Jack has something to do with it.

  We stand and put our coats on. She looks adorable, faux fur and all. I put my hand on her back as we walk and it feels right. Once we are outside I realize it is sleeting as well.

  Candy turns to me. “I don’t want this night to end.”

  “Neither do I.”

  Her face darkens in a blush. “Would you like to come over for a glass of wine?”

  I nod. “Yes.”

  Chapter 10

  We make our way down the slick sidewalks until we reach her building. The wind blows as more snow falls. Jack definitely has something to do with this.

  Candy leads me inside where warm air greets us. We take the elevator to the fifth floor and step off. I notice her hands tremble as she unlocks the front door. The feeling is mutual. I haven’t been this nervous in a very long time. But it’s not a bad feeling. In fact, I take it as a good sign.

  I follow her into the condo. It’s inviting and elegant, but I grin at the hand-painted sign on her mantel that says ‘Dear Santa, Define Naughty’. Her Christmas tree is up and is decorated in black and gold. I turn to say how nice it looks and she launches herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck. Our lips meet in a frenzied kiss, her soft tongue lashing mine. A moan escapes my mouth and I pull her closer.

  She feels so damn good pressed up against me, like our bodies were made to be together. Her hand runs under my shirt and I return the favor. I reach under her sweater and cup her breasts. Right away I can tell she’s wearing lace. I squeeze and this time she makes a sound of pleasure.

  She breaks the kiss and says, “I don’t usually jump my date’s bones as soon as we get to my place, but there’s something different about you, Nick.”

  I grin. “I’m flattered.” I look down as her hands explore my chest under my shirt. “But we can take it slow, Candy. We don’t have to rush things.”

  She pulls away. “Fuck taking things slow. I’m tired of being patient.”

  She unbuttons her shirt, letting it fall open. God. She’s wearing the bra from our first video chat. The shirt falls to the floor and she shimmies out of her jeans leaving her in her undergarments and heels. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

  “Nick, I want to suck your dick.”

  She pushes me into the living room where I see her couch. Oh, that couch…


  I sit in her spot and she kisses me before tugging my shirt over my head. I’m about to speak when her mouth covers my nipple. Air hisses through my lips. Fuck yes.

  He moans again and I smile against his skin before kissing a trail down his stomach. I’m not sure what came over me when we walked inside my house. I hadn’t planned on jumping him, but here we were…

  His fingers thread through my hair as I move lower. His cock tents his pants and I rub him.

  “I’ve dreamed about this, Nick. Ever since that first night we chatted I’ve wanted this.”

  I unzipped his pants. His cock springs forward.

  “Why Mr. Holiday – no underwear?”

  He grins, looking oh-so-sexy. “I don’t wear them.”

  I wrap my hand around his massive erection. The engorged flesh feels like iron and I pump it a few times. Pre-come coats the tip of his cock and I rub the head, spreading it around. I lean forward and take him into my mouth, my lips tightly encircling his throbbing manhood.

  He moans as I take him deep in my throat and then pull back. I continue the slow and steady motion, sliding his dick in and out of my mouth. He pulls me closer, shoving his length further down my throat. I swallow, allowing him to slide deeper.

  And then I hum.

  He cries out and I pick up my pace, knowing he’s getting close. Sweat beads across his stomach. I reach up and cup his balls. He yells my name as warm liquid shoots down my throat. I swallow, lapping up every last drop. When he is finished, I pull back slowly.

  “Candy. That was. Fucking. Amazing.”

  I grin and climb onto his lap.

  “Now it’s your turn.”

  His eyes are bright. “Yes. Lay down.”

  I shake my head. “No. I want you to fuck me with my vibe.”

  I reach into the drawer of the table and pull out the vibe. Nick takes it from me, turning it on.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to go down on you?”

  “Oh, I want you to go down on me, but not until you can finish me off with your cock. This will work for now.”

  He grins. “Deal.”

  I’m already dripping just from giving him a blowjob. He presses the vibe against my nipple and it hardens.

  “You have such beautiful breasts. Breasts that I want to come all over.”

  “Mmm. Yes.”

  He lifts me higher on his lap and latches onto my boob, sucking hard through the lacy material. I pull his head closer, urging him on. When he bites my nipple my pussy floods with juices. He moves to the other breast showering it with similar attention.

  He pulls back and says, “Show me how wet you are.”

  I push my panties aside and dip my fingers in my folds. He takes my digits and slides them into his mouth, sucking.

  “You taste so good.”

  I moan and
he moves his hand lower.

  “Remember what I said that first night? How I would rub you through your panties until you came?”

  I barely have time to nod before he is stroking me. Fire and pleasure build until I rock against his hand. And then I shatter, crying out his name.

  Chapter 11

  My entire body hums. God, I feel so good.

  Our lips meet in a slow kiss. I can’t help but grind against him. He pulls back and gives me a panty-melting smile.

  “Hard and fast?”

  I blink. “What?”

  He presses the vibe against my thigh. “Hard and fast?”

  Air rushes from my lungs and I nod. He yanks my panties, tearing them off and slides the vibe inside my throbbing pussy. I cry out, my hips bucking at the sensation. Nick fucks me with my vibe until I scream out his name.

  “You’re so beautiful when you come,” Nick says as he kisses me.

  We kiss and caress each other until he gets hard. I moan when his cock brushes against my pussy. I’ve never had sex without a condom, but I’m so tempted to tell him to take me now.

  He rubs his forehead against mine. “Why don’t we take things to the bedroom?”

  I nod and take him by the hand. He looks positively sinful with his pants unzipped and cock hanging out. Of course my tits are still suspended by my bra and I’m wearing my heels…

  I start to take my bra off, but he stops me.

  “Leave it. You look hot as hell.”

  I grin as we reach my bedroom.

  “Get on the bed,” he orders.

  Her eyes are dark as she climbs onto the bed, ass pointed at me. Fuck me. She is perfect. As she moves I catch a glimpse of her pussy, which is swollen and still dripping wet.

  “Doggy style?”

  She’s being saucy, but I don’t mind. In fact, it’s kind of a turn-on.

  “Not tonight, babe. Tonight I want to see your face when you come around my cock.”

  She moans. “Yes, please.”

  I kick off my pants and join her on the bed. Her hair is fanned on the silk bedding making her look like a goddess. I brush a lock from her face and she smiles at me.