Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3 Page 2
What he’s asking seems easy enough. And I really need the money.
I nod. “I understand.”
“Then you’ll do it?”
This man saved my life. Because of him, I have a future and don’t have to fear my past.
“Yes. I’ll help you.”
We say goodbye and I pull my phone from my pocket. I’ll help Agent Hill, but I have something to do first. Something that, if I’m lucky, will silence the demons within.
This bar has a different vibe. It’s mostly men, who wear leather vests, though there are a few women here and there. The men eye me as I walk past, but I don’t feel threatened. Razor takes me to the bar where a pretty brunette is opening several bottles of beer, and conversation resumes around the room.
“Hey there, Jas.”
She doesn’t even look his way. “No.”
“Come on, babe. Don’t be like that.”
This makes her smile, until she looks up and sees me. “Who’s the virgin?”
I bristle, but remember I’m here on a mission. Instead, I smile sweetly at her, which makes her roll her eyes.
Razor replies, “My friend here wants a job. Think you can help her out?”
“You know I don’t make that call.”
“Is he in?”
She nods once before turning her back on us.
Razor says to me, “Come on. We’ll see if the boss is around.”
He leads me down a hallway, going to the last door on the right. It’s open, but he stops, knocking on it first.
“What?” A deep voice barks from inside the room.
“Sorry to bother, Saint. I have someone interested in the job.”
“Send her in.”
Razor smiles at me and says, “Good luck.”
He walks away leaving me standing in the hallway alone. I tug tag at my shirt, wishing Rabbit hadn’t cut off so much.
“Are you going to come in or stay out there all night?”
“Sorry,” I apologize, as I enter the office.
I stop dead in my tracks when I make eye contact with the man behind the desk. Holy. Crap. He’s… the hottest man I’ve ever seen in my life. Brown eyes with swirls of gold in their depths. Strong jaw covered in salt and pepper scruff. Strong everything, really. He’s wearing a black t-shirt that stretches, doing little to hide his muscles. Like Razor, his arms are covered in tattoos. One stands out, though. It’s a skull with angel wings. When he stands, I notice his jeans cling to his legs. Damn. This man is just big.
“Like what you see?”
His deep voice sends shivers down my back and makes me hyperaware of everything going on in the room. His cologne. The scent of cigar smoke lingering in the air. The rock song playing softly on the radio in the background.
I meet his gaze again and smile shyly.
“Got a name?”
He lets out a loud sigh, as if I’m boring him or taking up his precious time. Maybe both.
“Razor said you’re interested in the job?”
“Uh. Yeah?” I’m not sure why it comes out as a question.
“Ever bartended before?”
He eyes me. “I’m guessing you’ve never been around a club before, either.”
“I’ve been to a club.”
“Darlin’, I don’t think we’re talking about the same kind of club here.” Laughing, he shakes his head. “You should go.”
I want to prove this man wrong, so I say, “I really need the job. Please.”
When I say please, his nostrils flare and I think I just may have an in.
“Fuck. I’m probably crazy for even entertaining the idea. Tell you what. If you survive tonight, you can have the job. Deal?”
“Thank you.”
He laughs, loud and deep. “Don’t thank me, darlin’. They’re going eat you alive. Tell Jas this is your audition.”
He looks back at the papers on his desk, and I know I’ve been dismissed. I try not to let it sting, but it does.
Making my way down the hallway, I go to the bar. Jas is leaning over the cherrywood bar top, talking to a guy. He’s good looking, too. Tall. Built, which must be some kind of requirement around here. Brown skin with a golden undertone. Dark hair. Hazel eyes that twinkle when he grins.
When Jas sees me, she lets out a laugh. “You’re still here?”
“Saint said tonight is my audition.”
She shakes her head and says to the man, “Looks like I’ll be working double. There’s no way this chick is going to be able to keep up.”
He gives me a lazy look. “Never judge a book by its cover.”
“Whatever, Bash.” She cuts her eyes at me. “Are you going to hop back here or just watch me all fucking night?”
Squaring my shoulders, I go behind the bar.
She points. “It’s pretty simple. We’ve got beer, whiskey, and tequila. Serve the tequila straight, unless they ask for salt and a lime. Got it?”
“How much do we charge?”
“We don’t. Jesus. Do you have any idea how a club works?”
“Can’t say that I do, but I’m willing to learn.”
“If you happen to have a free minute, walk the floor and pick up any empty bottles or glasses. Also, if an ashtray looks full, dump it.” She goes on, “Biggest rule of all – don’t flirt with any of the guys. At all. No coy looks. Nothing. Got it?”
“I understand.”
“Good.” She throws a towel at me. “Wipe down the tables. We’re about to get slammed.”
I’m really starting to regret not asking Agent Hill what in the hell I signed up for. Any information would have helped, instead of being thrown blindly into this mess.
Making my way around the room, I wipe each table until they shine, and none of the men acknowledge me as I work around them. When I’m finished, I check the ashtrays and push chairs under the tables. Satisfied, I go back to the bar, where Jas is scrolling on her phone.
“I’m Olivia, by the way.”
“Guess what - I don’t care.”
She answers her phone, walking away. I use this moment to look over the brands of beer, so I know what we have.
The man, Bash, comes back over and says, “Don’t let her get to you. She’s just pissed because Saint took her off the floor.”
“I’m not sure what that means.”
He grins. “She can’t fuck any of the guys. Not until Saint gives the go ahead.”
Oh. My. Good. God.
“She’s afraid one of the Prospects she has her eyes on will find someone else to fuck around with.” He shrugs. “If he moves on, guess she’ll know he wasn’t the one.”
I don’t even have a reply to this.
“Well, while I’m over here, can you grab me a beer?”
“Sure. What kind?”
He spouts off a name and I grab him a bottle, opening it, before sliding it toward him.
“Thanks, sugar.”
He takes off to a table where another guy sits and I can’t help but to notice how good his jeans make his butt look. Holy fuck. What is wrong with me? I know better than this! I don’t live by many rules, but the number one rule is to never mix pleasure and business. Ever.
“Did Jas not tell you the rules?”
Spinning, I find Saint scowling down at me. He’s even sexier when he’s pissed, and I resist pushing his buttons a bit more.
“She mentioned a few.”
“Did she not tell you the guys are off limits?”
“She did.”
“Then why the fuck are you making doe eyes at my guy?”
He nods his head in the direction Bash went.
“I wasn’t-” And then I think maybe I’ve misread the situation. “Oh gosh. He’s your boyfriend? I really didn’t mean any disrespect.”
His mouth opens and closes. Twice.
“Just do the fucking
He storms off, passing Jas.
She comes to me. “What’s up his ass?”
I’m so embarrassed and I really don’t want to make it worse, so I say, “I’m not sure.”
I move down the bar, wiping nonexistent dirt from the wood. Looking around, it makes perfect sense. They’re all massive and wearing a lot of leather. And, there’s more men than women. Totally a gay bar.
Razor taps on my door. “I got your text. What’s up?”
“Why the fuck does the new girl think I’m gay?”
His lips twitch, but he has enough fucking sense not to laugh.
“Not sure. Want me to find out?”
“Where did you even find her?”
Because she’s not the type to hang around a place like this. She looks fucking scared to death to be here, especially when I snapped at her, which made me feel like a huge dick.
“Rabbit recommended her.”
I think, trying to place a face with the name. “Is that the prick who’s trying to get an invite?”
Razor nods. “The very same. He’s been doing us favors. She’s one of them.” He pauses. “He’s not wrong. She’s hot and has an innocent vibe that this place lacks. Might be just what the club needs to replace… the open spot.”
I don’t miss that he doesn’t use her name. Good. The sooner I can forget about that backstabbing bitch, the better. I don’t let my dick guide me very often and that was a lesson well remembered.
“I’m not so sure she’s going to be able to hang.”
“Time will tell.” He grins. “So, why does she think you’re gay?”
I glare. “You can leave.”
“Bet there’s a hell of a story there. Does King know?”
I don’t reply and he laughs, walking away. He knows King will take this and run with it, making my life a living hell. Of course, I would do the same.
When he’s gone, I lean back in my chair, watching the security monitors around the clubhouse. It’s not busy yet, but we’ll be slammed soon. We have Church tomorrow, and a lot of the guys who live out of town will come in early to stay the night.
The screen switches to the main room, where Olivia is carrying a tray of beers to a table. She chews on her bottom lip as she balances the tray, passing out bottles. I don’t miss the heated looks the guys are giving her. Fuck. I’m going to have to fucking babysit her all night.
“Watch it,” Jas hisses, nearly knocking a tray of empty bottles and glasses out of my hands.
“Sorry,” I mutter.
My entire body aches. I’ve served more bottles of beer than I can count and thrown away just as many empties. And Jas keep mysteriously disappearing, leaving me to do the majority of the work. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I see that it’s nearly two in the morning. Thank god. That means it’s almost closing time.
But two o’clock comes and goes. If anything, the club gets busier. The men who have been drinking for a while are getting rowdy, making me uneasy. I don’t trust drunk fuckers. I’ve seen firsthand what they can do when they think they’re being cute and try to avoid them at all costs. When I pass out another round, one of the guys breathes heavily in my face as he thanks me. Panic riots deep inside of me and I go back to the bar, putting the tray down.
“Jas, do you mind if I take a quick break?”
My pulse is pounding, blood roaring through my ears. I barely hear her response and take off down the hallway, where it’s quieter. There’s a doorway marked exit, so I go outside, exhaling deeply. A few guys are out here, but they don’t pay me any attention.
My therapist gave me some exercises for moments like this. Breathe in deeply. Hold. Exhale. I do this ten times and don’t feel any relief. Pacing, I fight back the tears that are building. Why is this happening now? I haven’t had a panic attack in almost a year now.
“You okay?”
A scream works its way up my throat and I feel dizzy. Strong hands steady me, and I look up, finding Saint looking down at me.
“Did someone hurt you?” When I don’t answer he gives me a little shake. “Olivia, did someone hurt you?”
I shake my head and manage to stutter out, “Panic attack.”
Understanding crosses his face.
“Come here.”
He takes me by the hand to the side of the building where we’re alone.
“Put both of your palms flush against the brick and push as hard as you can.”
Terror fights to take over. I want to run until nothing can ever hurt me ever again. I need to-
“Olivia. Fucking listen to me.” Something in his tone makes me look up. “Put your hands on the brick and push.”
My entire body shakes, but I do as he says. The beige brick is rough under my palms, but isn’t too painful. I push against it.
“That’s right. Push harder. Lean into it.”
I lean, pushing with all of my might. The panic inside lets up, and I’m able to inhale deeply, filling my lungs for the first time in several minutes. I stay like this until I’m in control of my emotions. And Saint stands there, too, never saying a word.
Finally, I feel grounded and in control.
“Sorry,” I say, as I move from the wall.
“There’s no need to apologize, Olivia.”
I like it when he says my name. The O rolls off his tongue and does something to my insides. But then I remember he’s off limits.
“I better get back in there. I don’t want Jas to get mad.”
He snorts at that. “She’s not normally such a bitch. If she keeps it up tomorrow, let me know and I’ll talk to her.”
“Does that mean I got the job?”
“Yeah, that’s what that means.” He puts his hands in his pockets. “I can only pay eight hundred a week. I’ll need you Thursdays to Sundays, from eight until three, or until the guys pass out. Will that work?”
I nod. “Yes. Thank you!”
“No need to thank me.” He smiles, taking my breath away. “And, if that happens again, just come out here and do the trick I showed you. It helps.”
The side door opens and Jas pops her head out. “Oh, there you are. I’m drowning in here and could use a hand.”
I give Saint another smile before going back inside. Jas wasn’t kidding. The bar is packed and several people stand at the bar, waiting to be served. But I feel lighter as I work. All thanks to Saint.
I go over the security footage again to make sure Olivia told me the truth. She was at a table when one of the guys said something to her. Her eyes got wide and she went back to the bar, dropping off her tray, before running outside as fast as she could. I’m not even sure she realizes how fast she got out of there. Obviously, something was wrong with her. Which is why I followed.
My brothers are good men, but a few of them don’t know how to handle their liquor, and I worried someone got out of line with her.
There’s a tap on the door and Bash comes in.
“Man, it’s fucking nuts out there. Didn’t think so many would show up for Church.”
“I’m glad. We’re going to need everyone to bring in the next shipment.”
Bash nods and is about to leave when I stop him.
“Bring Big E in here. He said something that upset the new girl, and I want to know what it was.”
“Will do.”
I go back to my paperwork, occasionally glancing at the monitors. Olivia stays behind the bar and Jas works the room. She smiles as she serves beer after beer, never looking cross once. Hell, I might have to invite Rabbit to the clubhouse for this find. Been a while since we’ve someone like her around here.
There’s a knock and Bash comes in with Big E.
Big E nods his head, swaying on his feet. “Prez.”
“Big E. Care to tell me what you said to the new girl out there?”
His forehead creases. “New girl? Oh. I told her thanks for the beer.”
/> Big E is one of the older members of the club and has never lied to me.
“That’s it?”
“Yup.” He sways, letting out a long belch. “We good?”
“Yeah. Go easy out there. I don’t want to have to haul your ass out of here.”
He grins and leaves.
Bash asks, “Think he’s telling the truth?”
“I do. Not sure why that upset her.”
Bash replies, “I can keep an eye on her, if you’d like?”
Something that feels a lot like jealousy courses through my veins.
Bash grins. “Or not.”
He leaves me sitting there, feeling like a big fucking tool.
I turn back to the monitors. Bash goes to the bar, snagging a seat near Olivia. Fucker looks right at the camera and smiles.
But, I’m smiling, too.
“Do you need anything else?”
Bash smiles at me. “How about a bottled water.”
I grab one from the mini-fridge and hand it to him. There’s loud laughter from across the room and he glances over his shoulder.
“Idiots. They’re going to have such a hangover tomorrow.”
“What’s tomorrow?”
I frown. Tomorrow’s not Sunday.
He goes on, “So, Olivia, do you live around here?”
Bash has a dimple in his right cheek that shows when he smiles and it’s adorable.
“I live on campus. Well, for one more week.”
“A college girl. That’s super hot.”
I laugh. “It’s mostly boring, believe me.”
“What are you going to school for?”
“My degree is in math. I’m going to be an accountant when I’m finished.”